السلام عليكم يا أطباء المستقبل وأطباء الإبتسامة المشرقة أطباء الأسنان..
نتكلم اليوم عن الفرق بين Cyst والـ Abscess ?
كلكم يعلم مدى التشابه الكبير بين الاثنين .. لكن اليوم نحاول التفريق بينهم على الأقل اكلينيكيا.
يجب أن تعرف:
1. Cyst is a benign mass filled with fluid or semi-fluid
2. Similar to cysts, an abscess is more tender and filled with pus.
3. Cysts can be formed because of many things. It can be caused by trauma, bacterial infection and even cancer.
4. Abscess is formed when foreign organisms . (caries inter the pulp).
5. A Cyst may lie dormant for a very long period without creating any problems. Once the cyst becomes infected, it could lead to abscess.
6. The cysts are normally not harmful and that depends on the location where it develops.
7. Abscess can be big or small and they come with much pain.
Abscess diagnosis :
1. Visually: Presence of gum bubble, redness, pus, cavities or swelling.
2. Percussion: Tapping on an affected tooth with a dental instrument will often produce a sharp pain.
3. X-rays: radiolucency with ill-define circle .
Symptoms of dental Abscess:
1.tooth ache (continuous throbbing pain.)
2. Pain during chewing.
3. Spontaneous pain.
4. Pain from cold or hot items that lingers long after the source is gone.
5. Foul taste and/or bad smell in mouth.
6. Possible fever.
7. Possible swollen glands .
Cyst diagnosis:
1-visually : gum bubble.
2-percussion: no pain.
3-x-ray: radiolucency with define white circle.
Symptoms of dental Cyst:
1.smooth, rounded and painless expansion of the jaw bone.
2. The teeth in relation to the cyst may be missing in younger patients
3. If the swelling of similar nature is in relation to a non-vital, carious of fractured tooth, a dentigerous cyst may be suspected.